I don't want you to miss any of my wonderful fire hydrants from day 1, I am back this morning to post the last 4 that I found plus my fire hydrant grave yard...

This freshly painted yellow and white was in the historical downtown area of Charleston near the Waterfront park.
This beautiful dark green and white was discovered at a park in the midtown area of Charleston at Marion Park. It is worth 9 points and looks freshly painted. We saw other ones that were this color but their paint was worn and peeling. I liked this one the best.

I found this red and blue hydrant at Mount Pleasant across the harbor in Charleston near the USS Yorktown. Behind it was a mock North Vietnamese village circa the Vietnam War. That's a helicopter in the background.
This new style of christmas special was found on Sullivan Island. I love the understated green stripe. It was getting dark and was a lucky find.

This was my most exciting find and I owe it all to Ethan because he spotted it first. It is the land of old and discarded fire hydrants. A last resting place those who gave their all in protecting people and property. A once majestic warrior in the fight against the fiery elements now lies discard their useful days at an end. Awesome find.